Look at this fascinating home in Seattle atop the Smith Tower.  Click on the links below and you’ll get a glimpse into how this pyramid-shaped space – the 37th floor had a caretaker’s apartment, above which was a 10,000 gallon water tank of cast iron for the fire sprinklers – became the home for a family of 4.   Petra Franklin is a woman with vision! 

 The water tank was disassembled by welders who cut it into pieces small enough to fit into the elevator!  How long do you suppose that took?!?   This apartment is the ONLY living space in the building…maybe a bit lonely, eh?

Rumors abound about who lives there…woman with 200 cats…typewriter heiress…but here’s the real story…

Pictures are here:  http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2010/10/20/garden/21WHOss.html

Article is here:  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/21/garden/21who.html?pagewanted=2

Wow!  😉